Connecting Children, families, and Communities

A fun, stimulating environment providing free play-based activities, educational play and social interaction for parents and children to age 5 yrs. The Mossman Moppets Playgroup offers babies and young children a wide variety of fun experiences that help them to learn about their world, make friends and develop new skills.

Playgroups provide mums, dads, grandparents and caregivers a chance to meet and build friendships, which allows for a safe environment to share ideas and experiences.

Families at Playgroup can facilitate children’s play and learning by providing a rich, learning environment, time to interact with their peers, and activities to bond with their caregivers.

Our playgroup sessions have a regular routine in a safe outdoor play area with group story/ music time and a range of organised activities for babies and toddlers.  The group continues to meet during most school holidays. The Playgroup program is currently operating every FRIDAY 9.30am-11.30am

At Playgroup you will:

  • enjoy activities outside of the home

  • make new friends

  • share experiences

  • play and learn

  • help run the Playgroup

  • see your child learn and develop new skills

  • get involved in your local community

  • learn about local services


At Playgroup your child will:

  • have fun

  • learn how to take turns

  • socialise with other children and adults

  • learn and develop new skills

  • listen to music and stories

  • develop problem solving and negotiation skills

  • explore by playing with water and sand, by painting and trying other kinds of art experiences







Join Us

  • We are open to all members of the local community



20 Mill St, Mossman

The Cottage

Further Information

  • call 40 98 2836 (opt 1)

  • drop in to the Centre
