"Men don't talk face to face.  They talk shoulder to shoulder."


The Mossman Men’s Shed welcomes men, of all ages, and of all abilities.

Our vision is for men in our community to :

  • remain socially active, and enjoy the company of like-minded men

  • share and develop skills, particularly in manual labour such as woodwork, metalwork, maintenance skills and restoration

  • provide a safe, friendly and nurturing environment in which to do so

  • experience satisfaction from the completion of community projects

  • mentor youth from our community

  • participate in fundraising activities

  • ensure and observe safe work practices

We encourage  values of compassion, empathy, positive support and encouragement regardless of ability.

The benefits of the Men’s Shed project include:

  • mateship and encouragement

  • hands-on activities

  • sharing of experiences

  • learning and development of new skills

The Mossman Men’s Shed attracts a diverse range of men of all abilities and ages, offering a similarly diverse range of projects.

The MMS is a member of the national body,  Australian Mens Shed Association.



  • Wood Work

  • Furniture Building

  • Restoration Projects

  • Maintenance

  • Myna Bird Traps

  • Fundraising


Monday, Wednesday and Thursday  

9.30 am-1.00 pm

$10 membership fee


20 Mill St, Mossman


Erica Mast (07) 40 98 2836 (ext. 1)


Available for Sale

Lovingly handmade by Men’s Shed Mossman all proceeds go directly back to the Men’s Shed. Made from clear-dressed timber and multi-tiered, these empty hives are a great way to kick start your garden. Considered to be the ‘Hilton’ of insect hotels (in our opinion) hives can be sold finished with varnish or unfinished. Upon collection, you will receive an explanation of how to use your hotel and how to invite pollinators, and native bees in.

$100 donation to the Men’ Shed

our men’s shed participants enjoying being back in their shed!

our men’s shed participants enjoying being back in their shed!


Below left and right, before and after photo of the 1983 Italian espresso machine that has been restored by Mal Graham.  Mal has spent hours cleaning up the machine using a metal polish and lots of elbow grease. 

Below left is Sid putting the final touches of  three coats of paint to a kitchen cabinet which was rescued from the dump.  Sid has spent a number of hours renovating the cabinet for a community member.    

Bottom right,  Walter and Sid enjoying a morning coffee at the Mossman Mens Shed

Mossman Men’s Shed building bee boxes, Myna bird traps, renovating and connecting